IPA-23 is delighted to offer your company or affiliation these opportunities to boost your visibility:
Sponsors of IPA-23

Sponsorship opportunities

Diamond Sponsor
- Exclusive opportunity - 100 000 €
- Exhibition booth package included: 6 x 2 meters area
- Complimentary congress registrations: 10 pcs
- Complimentary banquet registrations: 6 pcs
- Sponsorship of social program
- Logo on website: front & sponsors page
- Logo on congress program: front, sponsors page, back
- 3 roll-ups in congress lobby
- 3 dedicated social media posts
- Full page ad in congress program
- Congress bag, 2-sided A4 leaflet plus a giveaway.

Platinum Sponsor
- 5 opportunities - 20 000 €
- Exhibition booth included: 3 x 2 meters area
- Complimentary congress registrations: 3 pcs
- Co-sponsorship of social program: one event included
- Logo on website: front & sponsors page
- Logo on congress program: sponsors page
- 1 roll-up in congress lobby
- 2 dedicated social media posts
- Full page ad in congress program
- 2-sided A4 leaflet or a giveaway in congress bag.

Gold Sponsor
- 13 opportunities - 7 500 €
- Exhibition booth included: 3 x 2 meters
- Complimentary congress registrations: 2 pcs
- Sponsorship of one coffee break
- Logo on website: sponsors page
- Logo on congress program: sponsors page
- 1 roll-up in foyer
- 1 dedicated social media post
- Half page ad in congress program
- Two-sided A4 or a giveaway in congress bag.

Silver Sponsor
- Unlimited opportunities - 4 500 €
- Complimentary congress registrations: 1 pcs
- Logo on website: sponsors page
- Logo on congress program: sponsors page
- Roll-up in foyer
- 1/3 page ad in congress program.

Bronze Sponsor
- Unlimited opportunities - 3 000 €
- Logo on website: sponsors page
- Logo in congress program: sponsors page

Student Travel Sponsor
- Several opportunities - 2 000 €
- For registration and travel grant to sponsor students selected by the organizing committee, based on highly rated abstract submissions.
- Logo on the sponsored student's congress presentation.
Summary of the different sponsorship levels
Diamond | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Student Travel Sponsor | |
Price (excl. VAT) | 100 000 € | 20 000 € | 7 500 € | 4 500 € | 3 000 € | 2 000 € |
Available opportunities | 1 | 5 | 13 | unlimited | unlimited | unlimited |
Exhibition area (meters) | 6x2 | 3x2 | 3x2 | - | - | - |
Complimentary congress registrations | 10 | 3 | 2 | 1 | - | - |
Complimentary dinner registrations | 6 | - | - | - | - | - |
Sponsorship of coffee breaks | - | - | sponsorship of one coffee break or lunch *) | - | - | - |
Sponsorship of social program | all included | co-sponsorship of one event **) | - | - | - | - |
Recognition - Congress website | Front page, sponsors page | Front page, sponsors page | Sponsors page | Sponsors page | Sponsors page | Sponsors page |
Recognition - Congress program | Logo on Front / Sponsors / Back page | Logo on Sponsor page | Logo on Sponsor page | Logo on Sponsor page | Logo on Sponsor page | Logo on Sponsor page |
Recognition - Congress venue signage | Three roll-ups in congress lobby ***) | One roll-up in congress lobby ***) | One roll-up in foyer ***) | One roll-up in foyer ***) | - | - |
Recognition - Dedicated social media posts | 3 | 2 | 1 | - | - | - |
Advertisement in Congress program | Full page A4 | Full page A4 | Half page A4 | 1/3 page A4 | - | - |
Congress bag & related items | Congress bag, lanyards, two-sided A4 leaflet, giveaway ****) | Two-sided A4 leaflet and a giveaway ****) | Two-sided A4 leaflet or a giveaway ****) | - | - | - |
*) Each Gold sponsor may select one coffee break or lunch to sponsor
**) Each Platinum sponsor may select one event of the following: Welcoming Reception, Congress Banquet & Awards Night, Bost Trip, Sauna Evening, PDT School
***) Sponsor must take care of their roll-up (max. width: 100 cm) production and transportation to the Venue
****) High-quality giveaway, to be coordinated with the local organizer team, sponsors must take care of the production and delivery of their giveaways. The sponsors will also deliver their printed material to the congress